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How Does Dog Euthanasia Work? Understanding the Process and Coping with Loss
Hensol Vets • Apr 12, 2024

Euthanasia, often referred to as "putting to sleep" or "putting down," is a procedure aimed at providing a humane and peaceful end to a dog's life, typically when they no longer have a quality of life due to age or terminal illness. This decision, while difficult, often comes as a necessity to prevent further suffering. This article aims to explain the process, offer guidance, and provide support for those coping with the loss of their beloved dog. Our compassionate team is ready to help your dog cross the rainbow bridge with dignity and in the comfort of your home.

When to Consider Euthanasia for Your Dog

The primary reasons for considering euthanasia include severe health declines due to age, terminal illnesses like cancer, or uncontrollable aggression that poses safety risks despite attempts at retraining or rehoming. Consulting with a veterinarian is crucial to explore all options and make an informed decision when your dog's well-being is at stake. Contact us today to book a consultation.

Understanding the Euthanasia Procedure

Euthanasia is designed to be a painless and stress-free experience for your dog. The process typically involves the insertion of an intravenous catheter to administer a strong anaesthetic, ensuring your dog falls into a deep sleep before the cessation of heartbeat and breathing occurs. For dogs experiencing extreme anxiety or aggression, sedation might be necessary before administering the euthanasia solution. Many owners choose to stay with their dog through the process, a step we highly recommend to provide comfort during their final moments.

Preparing for the Farewell

Grieving can begin as soon as the decision is made, which is why we recommend cherishing every moment left with your dog. Spend time with them at their favourite spots, give them their favourite treats, and surround them with loved ones. Consider how and when the procedure should be conducted, and decide who should be present, including any other pets who might benefit from a chance to say goodbye.

Options for Aftercare

Following your dog's passing, you can choose between a home burial or cremation. Home burials require adherence to specific regulations which we can help you understand. Cremation options include communal or individual processes, the latter of which involves returning your dog's ashes to you. Commemorating your dog's life can be done through creating memorials or sharing tributes on social media or our Remembrance Wall.

Coping with Grief

Grief is personal and varies significantly among individuals. Some experience it in stages—denial, anger, guilt, depression, and acceptance—while others find it cyclical, with emotional highs and lows. There's no right way or timeline to grieve; it's crucial to allow yourself to feel and express your grief naturally. If your grief feels overwhelming, support groups and counselling services like those offered by Blue Cross or Cats Protection can provide necessary support.


Dogs are not just pets but family members who bring joy, companionship, and unconditional love. Ensuring they pass with dignity is the least we can do to honour the bond shared. If you're facing this tough decision, remember you're not alone. Our team is here to support you and your dog every step of the way. For more information or to arrange a consultation, please visit our website or contact us directly. Let us help you honour your dog's life and legacy in their final moments.

how old is my pet?
By Hensol Vets 28 Dec, 2023
Discover how to work out the age of your pet and see how old they really are
If It Should Be...Making the Decision to Say Goodbye to Your Pet
By Hensol Vets 20 Nov, 2023
We understand how difficult can be to make the decision to say goodbye to our loyal companions. We have gone through exactly the same experience with our pets over the years and it can be complicated to put ourselves in our pets' position and look at their world with their eyes. This anonymous poem can help with this, and it can also ease a bit the hard load we carry on our shoulders when we are considering giving this step. You can find more help and support with the decision making process on our ' If it Should Be ' section on the Home Euthanasia page.
Feline Hyperthyroidism
By Hensol Vets 12 Sep, 2023
Hyperthyroidism is the most common metabolic disorder in cats and it is an increased production of thyroid hormones from the thyroid glands, which are located in the neck of our cats. These hormones are responsible for regulating many body processes, including the control of the body’s metabolic rate, which means cats with hyperthyroidism tend to burn up energy too rapidly and typically suffer weight loss despite having an increased appetite and increased food intake. Fortunately, the vast majority of cats that develop hyperthyroidism can be treated very successfully and most cats will make a complete recovery. There are several ways to treat this disorder and these include medication (oral medication administered twice a day), surgery (removal of the cat’s thyroid glands), Iodine (radiation) therapy and dietary management (specially designed diet with controlled Iodine levels). Hyperthyroidism, however, is an alarmingly undiagnosed condition, which can put the lives of our cats at risk. Diagnosis is achieved by a blood test, which will check for the levels of thyroid hormones. The most common signs of hyperthyroidism is cats are weight loss (even with a good or increased appetite), increased thirst, increased activity, restlessness or irritability, increased heart rate and a poor and unkempt hair coat.  This three beautiful siblings (Sophie, Jasper and Bart) have hyperthyroidism. Sophie and Bart were already on medication to control it and their owner noticed some of the signs in Jasper. After taking a blood sample, the results came back elevated, which meant a positive diagnosis. Luckily, steps have been taken on time, which means Jasper’s thyroid function will be under control. If you notice some of these signs on your cat or would like to check your cat’s health, please, get in touch with us .
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